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Appointment Bookings:

You can make an appointment by:
·     Telephoning at 8am for a same day appointment.
·     Booking via the Online services.
·     Booking via the NHS app. 
·     Telephoning for a routine appointment with our Clinical Pharmacist, Practice Nurse or Physiotherapist
·     Alternatively, you can submit an online query to the Reception Team.

Doctor Diagnosis

Telephone Appointments

Telephone triage appointments are booked in the first instance. The number will be withheld and the doctor may call you at any time between 8:00am - 18:30pm, please keep your phone available. Due to high demand, it may take up to 72 hours for a return telephone call, longer in extreme circumstances.

Please note our Patient service advisors may also refer you to a local pharmacy for a telephone call with a clinician if your symptoms are suitable.

Emergency Appointments

Urgent cases are triaged by the on-call GP. We advise patients to call at the earliest convenience to ensure cases can be dealt with in a timely manner.


If for any reason you are unable to keep your appointment or no longer need it, please let us know as soon as possible so that it can be reallocated.
If we are given less than two hours notice for any cancellations then your appointment will be marked as a did not attend unless we are able to use this appointment for someone else.
Appointments can be cancelled by phone, text message or on-line through our website. 
On average around 160 appointments are missed each month. If you arrive 15 minutes late or more, the doctor/nurse will not see you. For cancellations you can either telephone 0116 367 0012 or text 07501 344 632

Leicester City Healthcare Hubs

Alternative appointments can be booked at any of the Leicester City Hubs should the Surgery be fully booked or you require an appointment during the evening or weekend. Please click here for more details.

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